Saturday, October 7, 2017

A couple of weeks

So, what's up?

It seems like the brotherhood keeps on sailing. That photo up there is the photo taken from our second Friday Gathering yesterday. It was themed Rosary, since it is now Rosary month; we think that it is good to talk about the Rosary and pray Rosary more during the month.

Wait, we already had our second Friday Gathering???

Time passed quickly indeed. Last week, we just had our first Friday Gathering. It was at Tekun Foyer, started around 8 pm. Actually, it has been our tradition to have such gathering on every Friday, which is specially made for sharing session amongst the family members as to equip our knowledge of being a Catholic, plus to strengthen our faith in God. It's open to everyone regardless of individual faith (Catholic or Christian), our aim is to bring each other together and walk in Christ. 

For last week, our theme is "Welcoming all!" as our main purpose is to break the ice. Other than we were just introducing ourselves, we were also talking about the campus life, how to cope with problems and sharing experiences. Can't help but it was fun to hear sharings from the seniors about their journey from their first year until the current one, we hope that juniors will learn that the campus life is supposed to be hard or challenging but hey, try to imagine one day you will sit down laughing like that while sharing to your juniors about your experience. 

Chrissy initiating the sharing session
Roommates always being roommates; Jon and Owen reminiscing their first-year memories though they just had done sharing their stories.
Praise session

Worship session
Last Sunday, we also had an event called the Combined Freshmen. The title suggested what it's all about; it is all freshmen combined. Four Christian Fellowships in USM combined in an event to give an introduction of each CF to all the freshmen so that they need to choose to join the CF which they think best to pursue their journey in knowing Christ even more. 

The crowd
CUS was in charged of P&W session
Our representative/ President, Joshua himself giving an intro about CUS
This is our family :)

Well, other than that, we also have started our Sunday mass services in OLS. This week, the mass is fully conducted in Bahasa and it is our turn to serve (usually the second week of every month). In order to make things run smoothly during the mass, we did some practices already in this couple of days. 

It is not too late to join the choir yet! Show up at our practice later at 4pm in DUP, you are always invited! 

That's all the updates for this couple of weeks. Till we meet again!